Scars and Stripes

Some Wounds Never Heal
not properly anyway
Limbs and chunks wind up
Phantoms, shadows left behind
At least that damage can be seen
Scars of the flesh
a patchwork tapestry...
of; of what?
History gone past is such a strange thing.
invisible fingers on the scale
there often aren't any choices
only One Path
What If, just another tool of torment... right?
Minds drift in space.
Dissociations of ideas
the stress of past, present of future agonies
The Fires of Hope crushed into coals then ash
there are no staples for a broken heart
deep ridges torn into the heart and mind
but What If...? what if those wounds could be...
Can a fractured mind reassemble?
a mosaic of pain and pleasure
Like a story crafted in stained glass what was becomes what can be
We needn't be afraid.
the assembly process is always painful
but better a beautiful temple to life than...
than a pile of rubble testifying death
The scars striping our hearts, bodies, and minds needn't define us
only inform what we do and how.